24 Principles of WEALTH
- Everyone Manifests - Everything begins as a thought. If you want something to materialize, you better start thinking about it.
- Be Do Have - If we are focused on what we want to BE, then we'll be inspired to DO the things
that will allow us to HAVE what we desire. - Live Life Above the Line - Don't blame, learn the lesson.
- Abundance is Your Natural State - Sharing always creates more.
- Givers Get - Reciprocity is real. You get what you send out.
- Changing Your Reality is a Snap - Turn down Mr. Yabut (your internal voice of doubt) and turn up your internal cheerleader. Put a rubber band on left wrist and snap it when the Yabut's arrive.
- Words Transform - If it doesn't serve, don't say it.
- You are Your Wealth - Our invisible assets are what make us wealthy.
- Wealth is Freedom - Wealth creates time which creates relationships which creates spiritual, physical, and finally Ultimate Freedom.
- It Starts With a Dream - Plan your future in detail and think about it when you go to sleep and every morning.
- Clarity is Power - Think from your goals.
- More Clarity is More Powerful - Write your six major goals down and read them out loud daily. Write your goals as if you already achieved them.
- Tap Into Your Genius - The 4 characteristics of genius: Passion: They love what they do. Talent: They're good at what they do. Values: Doing what they do is extremely important to them. Destiny: They have a sense that what they're doing is what they were born to do.
- Loverage - If you love what you're doing, it's much easier. Do what you love. Add enormous value. Loverage it.
- Imagination Trumps Will - Imagining the best doesn't always work. Sometimes the worst does happen. But imagining the best works more often.
- The Size of the Question Determines the Size of the Result - Don't limit yourself.
- You Already Know the Answer - Trust your gut.
- Be Congruent - You must have three things: Desire, Belief, and Self-Acceptance that you can be wealthy. If you don't have one of the three, your energy is diffused.
- You Are a Money Magnet - You are what you consistently think about. If you're around other money magnets, it rubs off on you. When you are fully congruent, you are irresistible.
- Knock and it Shall Be Opened - "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." -J.M. Dent
- Sharing is Having More - Donate the first 10% of your income to churches or charities.
- God Knows Where the Gold Is - Test Him, and He will prove it.
- Destruction is Creation - Avoid hysteresis (returning to your natural state) and keep the pressure applied. Focus on the future and have it dominate your activities. Have one "off limits" and one "on target" commitment at a time to make and break habits.
- Putting it All Together - Anyone can learn what to do. It's getting yourself to do it that's hard.

Sounds like a good book. I like the 24 points a lot! Thanks for the summary.