Monday, October 11, 2010

Does Anyone Read Emerson Anymore!

The single most important word in the English dictionary is “Do”. In a world of mass media: Facebook, Twitter, texting, Skype, cell phones, and a barrage of other social networks and communication devices, we are increasing the means through which we TALK, but these innovations have subsequently turned off our DOING ability.

As a young boy, my parents taught me to be a man of action. Chores were a regular part of my childhood and deep cleaning was the ultimate source of punishment. Fighting with my brother resulted in hours of weeding the rose garden while my other sibling would be sanding the garage preparing it for a good painting. This might have been my parents’ scheme to clean up the house, but I think it was something passed down to them by their parents and the generation before them. The country was built with the sweat and blood of millions of people coming to America looking for something better then they knew.

This country was destined to be the land of leaders. Think about it….in 1492, when the American continent was discovered, the people who came here were those looking for a change, those willing to take a risk, the DOERS of the world. To say the least, the American heritage is one of entrepreneurship, innovation, and creation! Although we are in a time of economic struggle, the world looks to us to see how we’re going to change to make everything better. We have the history and reputation of being excellent, powerful, and accomplishing great things.

So, now I look at the world…well the younger generations especially. I see us just getting by, hoping everything will turn out okay, hoping that the grownups will figure out the world’s problems so we can stay up till 3 in the morning and continue our quest to become a level 70 commander on “Call of Duty” OR so we get back to the TV and finally watch the last 3 episodes of all of our favorite sitcoms - “Biggest Loser”, “Grey’s Anatomy”, “The Office”, “Modern Family”, “The Bachelor”, “Chuck”, AND “Community”. It’s kind of sad….but there are people, a lot of people, whose lives revolve around NOTHING. Because at the end of the day, watching TV and playing games doesn’t motivate YOU or anyone around you accomplish anything!

SO…I outlined the problem, now how about a SOLUTION!!! The truth is there is no easy solution. The solution is DOING, being the person you wish you could become. The first step is always the hardest, but there are a lot of ordinary people who have accomplished a lot of extraordinary things simply by taking one step in the direction of excellence.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased". Pick one thing that you have been meaning to change in your life. Maybe waking up on time, or not hitting the snooze button five times before you get up, whatever it is, when the time comes to MAKE the decision, don’t think about whether or not you should do….simply DO IT!

Emerson also wrote, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

I know we as individuals are capable of GREAT things! It doesn’t matter what situation we are currently in, it only matters in what direction we’re headed!

DOnt quIT


  1. Good post brother, very inspiring!

  2. This is the beginning of a great book!
    GREAT!!! It is inspiring!!! I needed this.

  3. Thanks for this post! It was awesome! I need to hear that on a regular basis.
